Passion is immortal and infinite. This ever burning primordial flame embedded in the innermost recesses of heart permeates the whole of human existence. All humanity is passion. Without it religion, history,romance,art and painting would be meaningless and ineffectual. Passion holds up the bottom of the universe and genius paints up its root. There is none that is not passion's slaves. Bee to the blossoms, moth to the flame, man to woman, each to his passion. It is the passion that do and undo everything.
Passion defies definition and defers any determinate description. But the nature of the human spirit is such that it aspires to give colour and sound to what is primordial, give it a consummate shape ready to be shared by respective. Pure art is therefore, nothing but the art naming un-nameable. The greater the passion, the greater is the force of medium of art. it is the intensity within, the intensity to expand and to express, that sustains the energy in the symbosis between artist and his art.